The Acrobatic Arts Teacher Training and Certification program, teaches dance educators how to safely and effectively instruct AcroDance in the dance studio.
This program starts at the very beginning, teaching proper technique and spotting skills for Acro. Dance teachers are not required to perform AcroDance skills to complete this course but must learn how to spot effectively and safely to become certified.
The Teacher Certification Program is presented in four courses, Module One, Aerial & Back Handspring Certification, Module Two and Back Tuck & Back Layout Certification. Each module is 16 hours in length. Completing Module Two Certification will also require practical hours to be completed and submitted following the course. The Aerial & Back Handspring Certification and Back Tuck & Back Layout Certification are each delivered over one day.
Prices, dates, and locations of our teacher training courses and workshops are all listed under Training Courses.
The Acrobatic Arts Manual, an evergreen, online full color book containing our entire syllabus with hundreds of photos showing proper placement and technique, is included with Module One Certification.
Teachers who register for Acrobatic Arts Certification Courses are entitled to a discount of 25% off the cost of the AcroDance Resource Center online syllabus and app.
This course covers the first half of the syllabus, from Primary to Level 6.
During this course, teachers will learn proper placement and technique for the foundations of AcroDance, including handstands, cartwheels and bridges. Teachers will learn proper spotting techniques, basic anatomy, AcroDance transitions and lesson planning. This course includes an online study (approximately 2 hours) and a live online course via Zoom with Acrobatic Arts master instructors (approximately 13 hours).
The skill level for this course ends at level 6 in the Acrobatic Arts Syllabus (back walkovers, front chest stands, assisted handstands) and is a prerequisite for Acrobatic Arts Module Two.
Module One Certified teachers can register dancers for exams up to Level 6.
•Prerequisite: A solid understanding of basic Ballet techniques and terminology.
All teachers are expected to understand the progressions and placement of these techniques before attending the course.
This can be proven in three ways:
Alternatively, teachers with extensive gymnastics training or a substantial understanding of the human body can contact us to confirm that you qualify for this program.
NOTE: Teachers participating in the LIVE Online events are required to have a dancer in their home to practice spotting
Licensing Fee: Acrobatic Arts charges an annual licensing fee (see FAQs), payable on the anniversary of your certification. Year one of your licensing fee is included in your course registration cost.
Certified Teachers with an active license benefit from these services:
Failure to keep the annual licensing fee up to date will result in loss of Certification, licensing, and access to Acrobatic Arts resources.
Contact us to confirm that you qualify for this program.
This course will build on the skills learned in Module One and cover the second half of the Acrobatic Arts Syllabus: Levels 7 - Pre Professional 3.
More in-depth classes in flexibility, hand balancing and limbering will be taught, emphasizing teaching and spotting more difficult tumbling (front and side aerials and back handsprings). Teachers will learn about advanced transitions for AcroDance and discuss common anatomy issues facing the AcroDancer. This course includes an online study (approximately 2 hours) and a live in-person course with Acrobatic Arts master instructors (approximately 16 hours).
Teachers must complete practical hours following this course to complete certification. The number of practical hours required will depend on the results of the candidate's practical exam (20 - 100 hours). Module Two Certified teachers can register dancers for exams in any level.
Prerequisite: Teachers must be Module One Certified and Aerial and Back Handspring Certification.
In addition, it is recommended that teachers work for at least one to two years with the Module One coursework before attending Module Two. Teachers are required to attend Module Two with a dancer who is Level 6 or higher.
Teachers must take the Aerial and Back Handspring Course before attending this course.
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