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Ep. 86 Breaking Down the Handstand Forward Roll: Strategies with Jill Ford

The Acrobatic Arts Podcast • 05/22/2024

Discover the intricate journey of mastering the handstand forward roll, where flexibility meets strength, control, and unwavering determination. Join Acrobatic Arts expert teacher Jill Ford as she shares her top tips behind this challenging skill and guides you through effective teaching methods for your students. Jill shares indispensable tips, drills, and pitfalls to avoid, drawing from her extensive experience as a seasoned acro instructor. This episode is packed with valuable insights. 

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About Jill 

Jill was originally from Regina, Saskatchewan where she danced competitively in the areas of ballet, jazz, tap, acrobatics and baton twirling for 17 years. She went on to teaching  dance, baton and acrobatics  in her home city  and now resides in Edmonton, Alberta where she has opened her own studio specializing in Acrobatics and Baton Twirling.  She completed  her  bachelor of Education (k-5) at the University of Regina  which has furthered her expertise as an acrobatic and dance  teacher. Jill has travelled the  world  as an athlete and coach representing Canada at 8 World Baton Twirling Championships and now continually is committed to keeping young children involved in the areas of acrobatics, dance and baton twirling.  She is very happy and honoured to be part of the Acrobatic Arts staff and loves sharing her passion and knowledge with students and teachers!

Jill's credentials include: Bachelor of Education,  Canadian Dance Teachers Association  Certified Teacher, Canadian Baton Twirling Association Level 2 Coach, Inductee of the Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame.

Need some visuals? Check out Jills's Weekly Mini presentation, Mastering Handstand Forward Roll with Jill Ford, on YouTube!

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